
20+Quotes About Curling

20+Quotes About Curling


Quotes About Curling. It seems like curling is the sport that everyone loves to be hated on.
It’s true that some extremely hurtful remarks have been made about the game that you don’t hear about other sports.
Numerous athletes have made fun of curling, especially since it’s an Olympic sport, and there’s a quote by Lewis Black about the sport that is so offensive that we had to remove it from our list.

However, curling has its supporters as well as its devotees.

The enthusiastic gamers and a few well-known fans who understand that the game is more difficult than it appears.

The essence of curling is encapsulated in these quotes, which come from both supporters and detractors of the sport, with very little in between.

20+Quotes About Curling:

  1. Curling is a unique sport. Each member of the team contributes 25 percent of the effort but does so 100 percent of the time.                                                                                                                                                 – Bill Tschirhart
  2.  There is never a right or wrong in curling. There always [are] choices. Making the right choice also is executing it the right way. It’s not only the decision but it’s execution… You focus on the small things, the little details, then big things might happen. You cannot create the big things to happen. You need to focus on the details    . – Eva Lund
  3. We’ve had lots of e-mails, some wishing us luck, others offering marriage proposals and quite a few asking how to get into curling and where their nearest club is. – Shawn Rojeski (after the Olympics)
  4. I like that, the teamwork. You team together, you help each other, you never feel alone on the ice.                     – Wang Bingyu
  5. Now people see that competitive curling of a high caliber is athletic, not just beer parties. It takes mental and physical strength. – John Shuster
  6. I’ll never replay the shot I played to win the medal in Sochi, I’ll always replay the shot I missed to come fourth. – Eve Muirhead
  7. Sweeping is where all the depth in the game comes from.                                                                                    – Colin Hufman
  8. My grandpa used to tell me that “Anyone can beat anyone on any given day on any sheet of ice”. – Jill Officer
  9. . The strategy is the tough part – it’s seeing things three shots ahead.                                                                  – Jared Allen (ex-NFL football player who took up curling after retirement)
  10.  That’s what comes with being a skip; you get a lot of the glory when you make the shot, but unfortunately, when you miss that winning shot, you get a lot of flack for it as well.                                                                      – Eve Muirhead
  11. We played football, but it’s a lot of muscles we didn’t use.                                                                                      – Marc Bulger (ex-NFL football player who took up curling after retirement)
  12. As you kind of approach the end of your career, just to be remembered for doing something that you love is pretty remarkable.                                                                                                                                                   – Jennifer Jones Quotes About Curling
  13. The dullest Olympic sport is curling, whatever ‘curling’ means.                                                                              – Andy Rooney Quotes About Curling
  14.  I don’t know if there’s any sport that’s stupid, but I really don’t understand curling. I guess I’m just not into brooms on ice.                                                                                                                                                          – Julie Foudy Quotes About Curling
  15.  But here’s the deal: If I were smart, I could figure out curling. If I were even smarter, I could figure out why people would actually watch other people doing it. I have tried. I can’t. I can’t even figure out the object of the game. Is it like darts? I just don’t get it.                                                                                                                   – Bob Schieffer Quotes About Curling
  16.  I kind of feel like curling combines this weird vision of people sliding down a lane, and it looks like it combines bowling and every bar game I’ve ever played. But I still don’t understand what the hell it is.                               – Joe Buck
  17.  Curling is not a sport. I called my grandmother and told her she could win a gold medal because they have dusting in the Olympics now. – Charles Barkley
  18. I love wearing my hair curly, but turning the curling iron all the way up creates curls that look really made up and artificial.
  19. But here’s the deal: If I were smart, I could figure out curling. If I were even smarter, I could figure out why people would actually watch other people doing it. I have tried. I can’t. I can’t even figure out the object of the game. Is it like darts? I just don’t get it.
  20. A low line of shore was visible at first on the right between the movement of the waves and fog, but when we came further it was lost sight of, and nothing could be seen but the mist curling in the rigging, and a small circle of foam.
  21. What makes me happy is just curling up in with my mom in her bed and watching a marathon of ‘CSI’ and ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ episodes with pints of ice cream.

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