
20+Dance Rain Quotes

20+Dance Rain Quotes


Dance Rain Quotes. When bad luck strikes, what do you do? When everything goes wrong and you don’t get what you want despite your best efforts? Do you raise your hands in surrender? Shuffle your feet and cry a little bit? Alternatively, do you see things as they are and search for a glimmer of hope?

Hopefully, you manage to accomplish the latter!

But nothing is simple.

It takes character, effort, and energy—things that most of us lack in those situations—to learn to dance in the rain like that. Dance Rain Quotes

I therefore hope that this extensive collection of inspirational dancing in the rain quotes will strengthen your resolve and enable you to smile no matter what life throws at you.

20+Dance Rain Quotes:

1. “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene

2. “Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.” – John Ruskin

3. “Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” – Rumi

4. “On a sunny clear day, you can improve your body; on a rainy foggy day, you can improve your mind!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

5. “A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods.” – Rachel Carson Dance Rain Quotes

6. “After the rain, the sun will reappear. There is life. After the pain, the joy will still be here.” – Walt Disney

7. “The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.” – Eeyore, ‘Winnie The Pooh’

8. “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” – Dolly Parton

9. “From where we stand the rain seems random. If we could stand somewhere else, we would see the order in it.” – Tony Hillerman Dance Rain Quotes

10. “It is better to dance in the rain than to sit under a leaking roof.” – Vikrant Parsai

11.“I’m singin’ in the rain, just singin’ in the rain, what a glorious feeling, I’m happy again. — Gene Kelly

12. “Dancing implies action marked by skill and grace. You may be feeling bad because of the rain in your life, but you can still take action that makes you come alive.” – Jerome Murphy

13. “Do not be angry with the rain. It simply does not know how to fall upward.” Vladimir Nabokov

14. “The storm starts, when the drops start dropping. When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping.” – Dr. Seuss

15. “Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before – more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle.” – Charles Dickens Dance Rain Quotes

16. “A change in the weather is sufficient to recreate the world and ourselves.” – Marcel Proust

17. “You can’t stop time. You can’t capture light. You can only turn your face up and let it rain down.” – Kim Edwards Dance Rain Quotes

18. “I want to believe that I’m not wrong. I want to believe that life isn’t full of darkness. Even if storms come to pass, the sun will shine again. No matter how painful and hard the rain may beat down on me.” – Natsuki Takaya

19. “Let her tell stories and dance in the rain, somersault, tumble and run, her joys must be high as her sorrows are deep, let her grow like a weed in the sun.” – Neil Gaiman

20. “Anyone who thinks that only sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.” – Fred Astaire

21. “Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” – Bob Marley

22. “I am like the rain: I go where I’m needed.” – Alejandro Jodorowsky

23. “Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul.” – Emily Logan Decens

24. “I had learned to dance in the rain; and everything else was just a breeze.” – Kristian Goldmund Aumann

25. “When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton

26. “Rain is as romantic as roses, and as easily overdone.” – Cynthia Barnett

27. “I am doing a rain dance on my desk as we speak.” – James Green

28. “Those who hate rain hate life.” – Dejan Stojanovic

29. “The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

30. “There would be no rainbows without sunshine and rain.” – Roy T. Bennett

31.“Without rain, there is no life.”

32. “Through all the rain and the pain, you gotta keep your sense of humour.” – Tupac Shakur

33. “Predicting rain doesn’t count. Building arks does.” – Warren Buffett Dance Rain Quotes

34. “When the rain comes expect a blessing to follow!” – Positively Sherry

35. “Thunderstorms are as much our friends as the sunshine.” – Criss Jami

36. “Dance in the rain. Sleep under the stars.” – Unknown

37. “When life rains on your parade, dance in the puddles.” – Unknown

38. “Every storm runs out of rain.” – Maya Angelou

39. “Pour on, I will endure.” – William Shakespeare

40. “Rain does not fall on one roof alone.” – Cameroonian proverb Dance Rain Quotes

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